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What is TelAbortion? Is it Safe?

What is TelAbortion? Is it Safe?

Abortion through medication is becoming a preferred method for abortion, with an estimated 60 percent of abortion patients (who were 10 weeks pregnant or less) choosing medication abortion over suction or surgery. In the age of telemedicine and the COVID-19 pandemic, TelAbortion is gaining popularity.


TelAbortion is a newly rising abortion option that involves the same steps and procedures as a medical abortion, but you do not have to travel to an abortion clinic. Instead, the abortion provider will conduct a video evaluation on a call. Then, you obtain all the necessary tests at medical facilities near your home, and once approved, the abortion pills are then sent to you by mail to your home.


What is the Abortion Pill?

The Abortion Pill is not the morning-after pill or emergency contraception. It is the mixture of mifepristone and misoprostol taken to terminate a pregnancy. It can only be taken up to 10 weeks in a pregnancy and is an alternative form of abortion for those who do not want surgical abortion.



The financial cost can range from $300-$800 depending on your lab work, office visits, tests, and region. If the abortion pill does not work (which happens 2-8% of the time), it is likely you may have to pay for a surgical abortion as well.


How it Works

Before receiving the abortion pill, you must confirm your pregnancy with an ultrasound. This can be done inside or outside of an abortion clinic.

We offer free ultrasounds! You can call us at 802-658-2184 to book an ultrasound today.

After confirming your eligibility for the abortion pill by running medical tests to ensure your safety, you will be given two pills.

The first pill is mifepristone, and it is usually taken at the abortion clinic. Mifepristone blocks progesterone – the hormone that causes pregnancies to grow and supports the fetus. Your uterine lining will begin to loosen at this point. With most women, you will not feel any symptoms, though some have reported light bleeding and cramping. It is important to note that medical abortions can be reversed 24 hours after the first pill is taken. If you wish to reverse your medical abortion, please contact your healthcare provider immediately.

The second pill is misoprostol, taken 24-48 hours later at home, which causes your uterus to begin contractions and dispel the embryo, embryonic sac, lining of the uterus, and the fetus from your body. This is usually accompanied by heavy bleeding and severe cramping.


Usually, 1-3 weeks after the medical abortion is complete, you will have a follow-up appointment with your provider to confirm the termination of the pregnancy.



Many women are concerned about the risks of medical abortion. Some well-known side effects of the abortion pill are dizziness, nausea, intense cramping, diarrhea, abdominal pain, mild fever, and light lactation. The bleeding will usually mimic a very heavy period and may last for a few days.

Incomplete abortion is a major risk, but other risks include an allergic reaction to the pills, infection, blood clots, and heavier bleeding than expected.

It is important to remember that the abortion pill may cause more severe reactions with an ectopic pregnancy, and should never be taken to treat or end an ectopic pregnancy.

STD/STI Testing

If you are planning a termination procedure, it’s important for your health to know if you have an STD. If you have a termination procedure with an untreated STD – especially chlamydia or gonorrhea – it can increase your risk of contracting Pelvic Inflammatory Disease by 25%.

If you have a TelAbortion procedure and do not get tested for STD’s before your abortion, you are at risk for Pelvic Inflammatory Disease.

Our office is still offering FREE STI/STD testing – call us or book an appointment online.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of TelAbortions

Many women are opting for a medical abortion done via the Internet and outside of abortion clinics, where they can find more privacy and convenience. Additionally, growing pandemic concerns have also contributed to the heightened availability of TelAbortions, as many women are unable to get appointments with local abortion providers.

According to the primary TelAbortion website, these are the advantages and disadvantages of TelAbortions:

TelAbortion has several potential advantages over an in-person abortion:

  • You don’t have to go in person to an abortion clinic to have the abortion, which may make the abortion more convenient and less costly.
  • You also may be able to schedule the video evaluation sooner than you could go to a clinic for an in-person abortion.
  • A TelAbortion may be more private because you can consult with the abortion provider from your home.

But TelAbortion may also have
significant disadvantages for some:

  • Having to get the necessary tests before the abortion may delay the start of the abortion.
  • If someone other than you opened the study package that is mailed to you, that person could find out that you are having an abortion.
  • Depending on where you get the tests and what kind of medical insurance you have, the total cost of the TelAbortion may be more than the cost of an in-person medical abortion.                



When Making Your Decision...

This decision is up to you, but you do not have to make it alone. If you are struggling to decide what to do with your pregnancy, we offer free consultations and would love to help you make an informed decision. To learn how we can help, feel free to call, text, or schedule an appointment!  You’re not alone. We’re here for you!


Call: (802)-658-2184 

Text:  (802) 736-7464

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