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Know Your Body & Risks

Free STD Testing

One-in-five Americans carry a sexually transmitted disease or infection. Know your body and stop the spread.


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Confidential STD Testing in Williston, VT.

You owe it to both yourself and your partner to know the status of your sexual health. Aspire Now offers free testing both locally and through our mobile clinic for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea, which are two of the most prevalent STI’s and can affect your pregnancy outcome.


  • Gain Clarity on the Status of Your Body
  • Know Which STDs & STIs You May Carry
  • Receive Education on Treatment & Prevention Options.

Ask Questions & Gain support

We're here to support you in the way that works best for you. You can reach out to us anonymously through text, phone call, or in-person at our facilities.


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Text our Registered Nurse 24/7 & get answers to your questions |
(802) 736-7464