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8 Benefits of Ovulation Charting

8 Benefits of Ovulation Charting

“She has a rhythm that beats to the rhythm of the cosmos…there are given to her great and tremendous, mysterious and creative possibilities” ~Fulton Sheen

Ovulation tracking offers a wealth of benefits for women. By paying attention to the signs and patterns of your cycle, you can gain valuable insights into your hormones, empower your health decisions, and enhance your overall well-being.


Understanding Your Fertility Calendar

Whether you’re looking to avoid pregnancy, achieve conception, or understand your body better, ovulation charting is the key. In this article, we will explore eight key benefits of ovulation charting that can positively impact your health, relationships, and future fertility.


To book an Introductory Session of the Creighton Model FertilityCare System with Dr. Whelan, click here.




1. Monitor your health:

Tracking the signs your body gives you provides early detection of any health issues. Your FertilityCare Practitioner can help identify risk factors for endometriosis, PCOS, subfertility, low progesterone, ovarian cysts, cervical inflammation, and risk of endometrial cancer.


2. Support for Irregular cycles:

Women with missing periods, PCOS, breastfeeding, or in perimenopause may be confused about what’s going on in their bodies. However, with charting, they will be able to know when ovulation is happening and know when to predict their next period – making irregular cycles less mysterious.


3. Greater Body Awareness:

Ovulation tracking enhances body awareness, helping you connect with your body and understand your moods, energy levels, and appetite needs. It can also boost your self-confidence.


4. Naturally avoid pregnancy:

Using condoms or withdrawal is damaging to marital intimacy AND not as effective as using the Creighton Model FertilityCare™ System. By understanding the naturally infertile times of their cycles, couples can select infertile days for intercourse if it is their intention to avoid pregnancy (and avoid genital contact on fertile days).


5. Naturally achieve pregnancy:

Up to 40% of couples dealing with infertility face this issue because they don’t know the right days to time intercourse for pregnancy. Charting will provide information that could make conception a challenge – such as limited cervical mucus. By charting with a system that has a cooperative medical component (such as Creighton Model), up to 80% of couples experiencing infertility will be able to achieve pregnancy. This is 2.5 times greater than the success rate of IVF.


6. Learn Risk Factors for Preventable Miscarriages:

By learning about your cycle, you may be able to find out information that puts you at a greater risk of miscarriage, and to get treatment for this prior to even trying to conceive. Some treatable risk factors include a short luteal phase (<9 days), premenstrual spotting (>3 days), tail-end brown bleeding (>1 day), low progesterone levels, and PMS symptoms.


7. PMS management:

Identifying patterns in your cycle symptoms allows you to better anticipate and manage PMS symptoms. Working with a NaPro or naturopathic doctor trained in hormones can provide support for PMS and PMDD. NaPro doctors can use your chart to time hormone tests and dose cooperative progesterone replacement therapy.  Additionally, charting your cycles and ovulation helps your body recognize that you’re paying attention, enhancing the mind-body connection, which plays a key role in the healing process.


8. Marital bonding:

For the first time in history, couples can have a shared understanding of their fertility. Both man and woman are empowered with a new language to communicate about their shared fertility. Additionally, husbands can do the charting of their wife’s observations and to attend charting sessions. Finally, by charting, couples are given the opportunity each cycle to discuss their pregnancy-related intentions. This is extremely valuable communication and the foundation of all other aspects of a strong marriage.




The Benefits of Having an Ovulation Chart

Incorporating ovulation tracking into your routine offers numerous advantages that go beyond just fertility. From improving body awareness and managing PMS symptoms to preventing miscarriages and fostering marital bonding, understanding your cycle can lead to a healthier and more informed life. Whether you are trying to conceive, managing an irregular cycle, or simply seeking a deeper connection with your body, ovulation tracking provides the tools to help you achieve your goals. Empowering yourself with this knowledge not only supports your reproductive health but also strengthens your overall well-being and relationships.



About Dr. Whelan

Dr. Whelan is a highly regarded licensed naturopathic doctor (N.D.) and Creighton Model FertilityCare™ Medical Consultant. She is renowned for her expertise in treating women’s reproductive hormone disorders such as PCOS, PMS/PMDD, infertility, and endometriosis. Her practice specializes in lifestyle medicine, nutritional counseling, botanical medicine, and bioidentical hormone replacement therapy.

She earned her Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine (ND) degree from the National University of Natural Medicine. She completed additional training as a Creighton Model FertilityCare™ Practitioner and NaPro Medical Consultant from the St Paul VI Institute in Omaha, NE.

To book an Introductory Session of the Creighton Model FertilityCare System with Dr. Whelan, click here. 


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