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“My Miracle Baby After Taking Abortion Pill” Testimony

“My Miracle Baby After Taking Abortion Pill” Testimony

In the grand realm of YouTube, there seems to be a lack of videos and personal testimonies from women who have had an abortion because it is such an emotional, vulnerable, and controversial topic. I write today to share with you a story by a woman who got pregnant at 19 years old and was faced with the decision to either keep her baby, get an abortion or carry the baby to term and put it up for adoption. She shares her story in great detail in hopes of helping other young women who may be in a similar situation as her to consider their options carefully. 


She initially chose to go to Planned Parenthood to get the abortion pill at about 8 weeks pregnant. She explains her painful experience of bleeding and as she thought, expelling the fetus out of her body. She thought that her situation was over, but fate had other plans in mind.  She “had a feeling” that her baby was still inside her, but her friends told her she was crazy. She later found out that the abortion pill did not work, and that she was still pregnant! When the news came of her “miracle baby,” withstanding the attempted abortion, she chose to keep her baby boy, even though she knew it wasn’t going to be easy as a 19-year-old single mother.


You may be in a position where you are trying to decide whether to abort, parent, or adopt. Take a look at this woman’s story and be encouraged that you are not alone, and take some time to learn from her experience and hear what she has to say.


Hear her story for yourself by going to the following YouTube links:


The Videos:

My Miracle Baby After Taking Abortion Pill Pt. 1

My Abortion Story Pt. 2 / I Didn’t Know I Was Still Pregnant

My Abortion Story Pt. 3


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