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7 Questions to Ask If You’re Pregnant

7 Questions to Ask If You’re Pregnant










If you’re pregnant or think you might be, we know it can be filled with uncertainty, even if your pregnancy was planned. AspireNow wants to help you by answering questions women ask when they think they may be pregnant or are experiencing an unexpected pregnancy.


When Should I Take a Test?


According to the Cleveland Clinic, you can receive a positive pregnancy test ten days after conception. However, for a more accurate test result, it is best to take a pregnancy test after you miss your period.


Can a Home Pregnancy Test be Wrong?


Despite at-home pregnancy tests having a 99% accuracy rate, there are five possible situations where you could get a false-positive result.


    • Evaporation lines on the pregnancy test and not following instructions
    • Previous miscarriage or abortion
    • Molar pregnancy
    • Medications
    • Medical conditions


If you are unsure of your results, contact us to learn more about our free testing and confirmation services.


How Late Can You Take the Morning-After Pill?


It is wise to evaluate the potential risks associated with any medication you take. We advise the same caution regarding Plan B and Ella.


If you follow the instructions for Plan B One-Step directions, you can take this pill immediately after and less than 72 hours after unprotected sex.


The directions for Ella suggest immediately after and less than 120 hours after unprotected sex.


How Early Will People Notice I’m Pregnant?


The one thing people will notice first when you’re pregnant is your baby bump. However, your baby bump will not be noticeable until your second trimester or around four months. Depending on how they carry their baby, some women will see it sooner or later than four months.


Can Miscarriages be Prevented?


According to The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, approximately half of early pregnancies occur when the embryo does not develop properly due to an abnormal number of chromosomes.


Chromosomes are located in each cell of the body and carry the genetic code for how people develop and perform. Miscarriages happen, and they have nothing to do with what you did or didn’t do.


What Resources Are There For Single Moms or New Parents?


AspireNow provides all the information you need if you’re considering carrying and parenting your child. We can help you find the information you need to enroll in Medicaid and provide you with community referrals tailored to your needs. We know being a single mom or a new parent is daunting, but having a child isn’t the end of your life; it’s the beginning of a new one.


What If I Decide to Have an Abortion?


If you are considering abortion, there are a few things you should do or know before you decide.


    • Determine if your pregnancy is in the uterus; if not, you may not need to have an abortion due to miscarriage or a tubal pregnancy.
    • Get tested for STDs/STIs in order to keep these infections from spreading to other reproductive organs.
    • Understand your rights as a patient. Checking the clinic before making an appointment is vital to your well-being.
    • If you are considering ordering the abortion pill online, pause and learn if your pregnancy is viable and confirm how far along you are. We also recommend talking with a medical professional about health conditions, allergies, side effects, and the medications you are currently taking.


AspireNow understands that facing a planned or unplanned pregnancy could be one of your hardest moments and your biggest decisions. However, you’re not alone. We can help by providing compassionate medical care at no cost to you.


Schedule an Appointment


When you make an appointment, you will receive lab-grade pregnancy testing, STI testing and referrals, ultrasound, and options consultation. You don’t have to walk this road alone. Contact us today!


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We're here to support you in the way that works best for you. You can reach out to us anonymously through text, phone call, or in-person at our facilities.


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